Ready? Set? Read! The ECE Program kicked off the Atlanta Mayor’s

Summer Reading Club (MSRC) with First Horizon Bank this month!

Each year, ACS joins MSRC, which recommends and shares a free book for all

participating kiddos under 5 and their families. For infants, 2023’s summer

read is Little Blue Truck Leads the Way by Alice Schertle. For kiddos from 2-5,

2023’s read is The Curious Cardinal written by Mark Valdez and illustrated by

Nicole Kang Ahn. The benefit of the MSRC is not just free books but its

partnerships with research centers such as Atlanta Speech School. These

centers hold “book club reads” to train teachers in the most effective reading

methods. Reading aloud is essential to early childhood education because it

helps kiddos build language and pre-literacy skills.

Thank you to First Horizon Bank for hosting our MSRC kickoff event!

Volunteers brought the books to life with a read-aloud, arts and crafts, drama

exercises, and other hands-on activities. We can’t wait for our next MSRC

event this summer!