Classroom Sponsorship

“It takes a village to raise a child…”

Here at ACS, that phrase comes to life. Our parents, our staff, and our faculty surround our students each day with the nurturing environment they need to thrive. When you become a classroom sponsor, you become part of that nurturing environment, part of the village. Classroom sponsorships ensure our students have the supplies necessary to receive the quality education they deserve.

What is Classroom Sponsorship?

Classroom sponsorship is a 4 week program where groups sign up to collect items needed for one of our ACS classrooms.

How does it work?

  1. You’ll sign your group up a month before the supplies are needed.
  2. We’ll send you the classroom’s needs list.
  3. You’ll collect the donations and drop them off at ACS.
  4. Afterwards, you and your group will schedule a time to volunteer with our students!

Apply Below!

This name should be the point of contact that will disseminate information to the group.
Point of contact's email
This particular opportunity is open to groups only.
Tell us about you!
We cannot always honor preferences, but we will do our best!
Please read the information about the program before checking this box 🙂
In summer months, we hold our annual STEAM Academy and have field trips! This year, our students are going to Legoland. Check yes to receive more information about supporting this opportunity for our students!